Monday 16 December 2019

UKOG Arreton and Godshill Oil Exploration meeting

Today I visited the UK Oil & Gas PLC (UKOG) Arreton and Godshill Oil Exploration meeting held today 16th December 2109. The venue being the Newclose Cricket Club.

On arrival, you are given an Arreton and Godshill Project Overview booklet.

I have scanned the twenty-page booklet -  Click here for Full Booklet PDF- Opens New Window

Arreton and Godshill Project Overview booklet cover
Arreton and Godshill Project Overview booklet cover
The room was busy as many local people took the opportunity to learn more about the oil drilling project.

Around the room were information banners relating to the Booklet.
They were titled as follows:
Welcome, Location of Sites, Phases of Development, Key Facts, Do we still need oil? Ecology and Environment, HGV Movements and Permission Process,   

Arreton Oil Drilling Site
Arreton Oil Drilling Site
There were many representatives of the company around to answer any questions that you may have.

Key points from the meeting (Booklet) are: Oil drilling site is 1 Kilometer from Arreton village. The site is "behind" the Digestion Energy Power Station and before Blackwater Quarry on the A3056.

This is NOT a Fracking Site.

The booklet does contradict itself as in the "Key Facts" HGV movements are anticipated to be around ten movements a day on first and last weeks of drilling and two to three the rest of the time. but in the HGV movements chapter, it is Fifteen 2-way movements a day!

Both sites will not be running at the same time as the Arreton site will be completed first and the equipment then moved to the Godshill site.

Each site application is for three years. In the event of success, UKOG will also commit to paying a  royalty from its production revenues to the local community, the royalty would be separate from and in addition to its business rate taxes. 

So time to buy the Stetson Hat!

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