Saturday 17 December 2022

Flooding works update

Dear Resident

The members of the Parish Council have received an update from the IW Council’s Drainage and Flood Risk Management Officer on the work that has been done so far to help alleviate some of the flooding problems in the village.

“There has been a lot of work that most people in the village wouldn’t have noticed but the results are positive.  Arreton Barns have installed a rainwater system and rainwater discharge to manage their rainwater and surface water more efficiently.  This has included some groundworks which have had a positive effect on the amount of rainwater/surface water reaching the highway and exacerbating the issue of flooding.  They have also agreed to allow the council to install a pre-gully run off from Downend Road which would greatly reduce the highway surface water before it gets to the magpie and hare corner.  They have some plans to do some additional works to further aid the discharge of surface water which are scheduled for early next year as this is a busy time of year for them and they would rather do the work when business is quiet.

“The landowners have been busy too with silt traps installed and better management of their surface water.  This has had an impact on the amount of water reaching the highway and subsequently affecting properties.  Their work has been paramount in reducing the risk of flooding and it will mean future reminders from me to maintain their systems, which I’m happy to do as I have built good working relationships with them and I am keen to nurture them in the interest of future collaboration.  The Environment Agency has approached the landowner with the stream passing through his land so to encourage him to work with them to maintain its length and ensure its future, uninhibited flow.  The Environment Agency is also involved in the scouring and cleaning of the Eastern Yar along its entire length with work due to start early next year.  This would increase capacity, flow and generally enhance the environment around the river.  All these factors, when combined will go a long way to reduce the flood risk.”

Best wishes


Mrs Sheila Caws

Clerk to Arreton Parish Council

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