Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Part closure of Newchurch Shute for footway safety works

It’s not in our patch but just in case you are in the habit of using Newchurch Shute, please note that the road will be closed for up to three weeks from today.

Works to provide safe pedestrian access to a newly-installed footbridge in Newchurch are due to start on Monday (11 July).

Newchurch Parish Council commissioned the bridge to bypass the main road, meaning walkers no longer need to navigate the narrow and busy stretch of road through the village.

However, before the crossing can be brought into use, further works are necessary to 'connect' the northern side of the bridge to the existing public footpath network and provide safe pedestrian access. 

The Isle of Wight Council has offered to undertake this improvement work at no cost to the parish council to ensure the bridge can be opened for safe use as swiftly as possible.

However, due to the nature of the works, the council has no option but to close part of Newchurch Shute for up to three weeks.

The council has been asked to carry out the works now before the start of the school summer holidays.

Councillor Phil Jordan, Cabinet member for transport and infrastructure, said: "We are doing all we can to assist the parish council in providing a safe means of pedestrian access for users of their newly-installed footbridge.

"Island Roads will be doing all they can to expedite the works but we cannot build the footway and keep the road open at the same time for health and safety reasons.

"We recognise that these improvement works may cause some inconvenience for residents and businesses, but we hope any disruption will be offset by the long-term benefits we are making on behalf of the parish council."

The forthcoming work is in addition to that already undertaken by the Isle of Wight Council to make the southern side of the bridge more accessible.

Access for local residents and businesses, who have been written to, will be maintained at all times from either end of the work site.

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