Saturday 25 June 2022

Reminder Arreton Open Gardens this Sunday Update

Just a reminder that the annual Arreton Open Gardens event will take place this weekend on Sunday, June 26th from 12 noon until 4pm.  There will be six gardens open including Haseley Manor and Horringford House but NOT Arreton Manor this year.  There will be free parking at Haseley Manor plus a plant stall and cream teas. The event will raise money for the Scouts and WightDASH/WOW on the Island.  WOW is a centre for disadvantaged women in Newport and WightDASH runs courses for them. 

Entry is £5 which covers all the gardens and the houses will all be marked by signs and balloons.

Haseley Manor – main parking, Cream Teas, Plant Stall, formal gardens, old farm buildings, streams and ponds

Horringford House - gardens with a big lake and gunnera

Horringford Cottage – behind Horringford House, an attractive flower and vegetable garden with slug-free Hostas

Spreets Rew – opposite the entry to Haseley Manor, beautiful herbaceous borders

2 Primrose Dell – a hidden gem of a well-stocked garden which is 20 minutes walk from Haseley Manor or 5-10 minutes’ walk from the Community Hall or community parking by the White Lion pub

Arreton Church is beyond the community parking, which is signposted from the main road

Best wishes


Mrs Sheila Caws

Clerk to Arreton Parish Council

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