Friday 26 November 2021

Arreton Parish Council - November 2021

Arreton Parish Council Newsletter  November 2021  

Arreton in the Mist

Autumn is now well underway and before long Christmas will be here. As Bonfire Night has been and gone and November is almost over, I think that it is reasonable to at least mention it. Not that I have done anything about it yet. 

Parish Council news 

As I am sure that you are all well aware by now, the application for an exploratory oil well in  Arreton went before the IW Council’s Planning Committee last month and was unanimously refused. There were (probably) a record number of objections registered with the Planning Department and a lot of hard work was put in before the day of the  Planning Committee by those who were selected to speak at the meeting. The  Parish Councillors held more than one discussion to agree on and then refine our presentation, which was delivered by our Chairman, Cllr Martin Kimber.  Unfortunately, this may not be the end of the story as an appeal by UKOG is always a possibility.  

In the last newsletter, it was noted that work on three table-top tombs was due to be completed in the autumn. This has now been done but at the time of writing is not on show as the tombs are covered to allow the lime mortar to cure. Our thanks to GJ Banks for undertaking the work. 

The members of the Parish Council had hoped to run an event for the Parish and  plans were underway for a barn dance. However, the date was pushed back to  December and then it was felt that the increase in COVID numbers was  becoming unacceptable and so it has been postponed again. However, the plans are on hold and not completely abandoned. They are also thinking about how  to mark HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in June. 

First, however, is the annual task of setting next year’s budget and to ensure that the residents  get the best value for money possible. 

Dates for your diary 

Lights of Love service 

A Lights of Love service will be held at St George’s Church, Arreton on Tuesday, December 7th at 6.30pm. Children from the Primary School will be performing and there will be a collection for the Hospice.  

Community Lunch 

There will be a Community Lunch in the Community Hall in Arreton on Thursday 16th December at 12.45. All are welcome but Diana O'Grady would like an idea of numbers so please email her at if possible. A donation of £5 is requested on the day. I understand that it is an excellent way of meeting people that you may not normally see plus eating a first-class two-course meal. 

Rights of Way 

The Parish Council has been contacted by Newchurch Parish Council regarding plans to register an official Right of Way between the cycle track near Haseley Manor and Wacklands. It is shown as a track on the IW Council’s Definitive Map of Rights of Way but has not been adopted. The northern end of the proposed path is in our Parish and Newchurch would like to hear from anyone who can attest to the fact that this track has been in use for at least the last 20 years. If you have any such information, please let the Clerk know and it will be passed on to Newchurch.  Contact details are at the end of this Newsletter. 

IW Foodbank 

Sadly, Christmas is not a happy time for everyone but the IW Foodbank does what it can to help those in need. Currently, they are collecting items for Christmas boxes and are looking for donations of mince pies, Christmas puddings, Advent calendars, pickles and chutney, Christmas crackers, stuffing, biscuits, cans of fizzy drink, soup and par-baked bread rolls amongst other items. Donations can be left at all the usual donation points in supermarkets, which include Sainsbury's, Morrisons and Asda in Newport, Waitrose in East Cowes and Aldi in Lake. The last date for Christmas donations is Friday, December 3rd. 

IW Council Planning Department 

A notification has been received that, due to planned essential maintenance, the webpage to view planning applications will be unavailable between 06:00 on Saturday 4th Dec 2021 to 23:59 on  Sunday 5th December 2021. Apologies for any inconvenience caused during this time but  comments on planning applications can still be submitted via email to,  direct to the case officer or in writing to Planning Services, Seaclose Office, Fairlee Road, Newport PO30 2QS.  

Avian Flu 

Unfortunately, it is the season for avian flu as well as the human variety. Rather than put all the  Government advice in this newsletter, those of you who are interested will find lots of advice and information on how best to help your birds at the website at

Optio service 

Some of you may already be aware of the Optio Voluntary Car Service, which is run by Community  Action IW. However, if you have not come across it before, there is a  network of voluntary drivers across the Island who are available to take members of the Service to medical hospital appointments or to day centres and suchlike. It is emphasised that the service is voluntary and relies on the availability of drivers. Should you be interested or know someone who could make use of the Service please contact  01983 522 226


Chairman: Cllr Martin Kimber – 

Clerk: Mrs Sheila Caws - 07587 008183  

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