Monday 1 June 2020

Dogs to be banned from many Isle of Wight beaches

Dogs to be banned from many Isle of Wight beaches as council reinstates summer ban.
Report from Joshua Silverwood, Isle of Wight County Press

Jess "Old Gray Lady" on the Beach
Jess "Old Gray Lady" on the Beach
DOGS are to be banned from beaches across the Isle of Wight as the council brings in summer regulations.

The Isle of Wight Council has announced plans to reinstate the existing control orders from Monday, June 8.

The restrictions ordinarily would have been brought in over May but were relaxed during the coronavirus pandemic.

Councillor John Hobart, a Cabinet member for environment and heritage, said: "The decision was taken to extend the period that dogs could be walked on beaches to increase the space available for residents and their pets to take their regular daily exercise safely.

"Now, with the warmer weather here and with relaxed government guidance on the stay at home message, our beaches are becoming busier.

"We have already received complaints from some residents who wish to use the beach without the risk of dogs off leads invading their social distancing space.

"Restricting dogs during the summer months also helps to maintain water quality.

"There are of course numerous locations where dogs can be exercised that don’t have seasonal restrictions."

The ban will be lifted on September 30.

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