Saturday 11 April 2020

Virus update - Arreton Hare and NFU guidelines.

It is good to see that the Aerrton Hare is taking the COVID-19 virus seriously by wearing a mask.

Information from Isle of Wight Radio news report

National Farmers Union NFU
Islanders are being urged to follow the countryside when taking their exercise during the coronavirus pandemic.

With the long bank holiday weekend ahead, Island farmers are urging us to follow the rules.
As people seek alternatives to popular beaches and parks, farmers have seen significant increases in people making use of footpaths instead.
keep dogs on leads near livestock. "Max 2mtrs in length".
keep dogs on leads near livestock. "Lead Max 2mtrs in length".

The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) on the Island is urging anyone using public rights of way to maintain social distancing requirements, especially when walking near or through farmyards, and to follow the countryside code and to keep dogs on leads near livestock. "Lead Max 2mtrs in length".

Note from Arreton Traveller
"Remember don't let anyone out of your household stroke your dog, as they could pass the virus to the hairs of the dog. Which would then transfer to you when you next stroke your dog. So make sure your dog is always visible to you while out walking."

Matt Legge, chairman of the Isle of Wight NFU, is also urging people to use hand sanitiser or gloves when opening gates or climbing styles.

He said:

“Some rights of way are seeing in excess of 50 people an hour using the same routes and handling the same gate latches etc.

“Very few of these people are currently considering the risk of passing on the infection to other path users or those who live or work on that land.”

The Isle of Wight Council has produced a poster which home and landowners who have a public right of way running through or very close to their property can print out and use on-site.

It has been designed to encourage walkers, horse riders and cyclists to be considerate at this time by taking simple steps, such as:

Keeping to the path and not stopping to play or have a picnic;

Keeping dogs on the path and away from other people and animals;

Not entering buildings, touching animals or equipment or approaching any staff;

Staying two metres apart from other people at all times;

Leaving gates as you find them and hand wash/sanitise after touching any shared surfaces, such as stiles or gates.

Councillor John Hobart, the council’s Cabinet member for environment and heritage, said:

“We all recognise there are multiple health and wellness benefits to getting out and enjoying the countryside but it’s absolutely vital we all heed guidance during these difficult times.

“It may seem harmless to walk wherever you want, but this is a critical time of year for our farmers. There’s a narrow weather window to get crops planted and we’re in the middle of lambing too, so getting ill will have a huge impact on their ability to produce food for the coming year.

“Please be very considerate and aware of what you and your dog are doing when using the rights of way network during this Covid19 lockdown time.

“You may not realise what a big impact you could make to the lives of the landowners or landworkers around you, as well as other members of the public even though you believe you are not doing anything wrong – but these are unprecedented times.”

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