Thursday 2 April 2020

Arreton Parish Council Clerk April Newsletter

Dear Resident 

Attached is our latest newsletter with information from the IW Council, Southern Vectis and others.  It's not all doom and gloom but I would like to include something a bit more cheerful, so if any of you have any hints and tips on keeping occupied (other than gardening, reading or watching television!) please let me know so that I can share them around (anonymously of course).

Best wishes

Mrs Sheila Caws
Clerk to Arreton Parish Council


First of all, thank you to those residents who have come forward to volunteer to help support others – your offers of help are much appreciated. 
The information below has been received from various public bodies and others. 

Rights of Way 
Information from the Rights of Way Department of the IW Council, who wish to make us all aware of the very serious situation we are in, and how our actions could be unwittingly impacting on those people who live and work very close to locations where public rights of way run through them. Please take notice of the advice below, if going out for exercise. 
Using public rights of way and Coronavirus (COVID-19) 
The restrictions on movement announced by the government now apply to public rights of way and the countryside access network. 

The best advice is to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives. Many of us will still want to enjoy the countryside, especially now it is spring. The outdoors is a great place for exercise which has numerous benefits for health and well-being, especially at a time when we all face social isolation and anxiety. However, we all must adhere to government rules and advice for the safety of all. 
Please also be aware that some people live in very close proximity to public rights of way, a common example being farmers and farmworkers. Please consider their need for social distancing, treat each other with respect and be aware that some of these people may be in self-isolation because of illness or other vulnerabilities. 

The rules to adhere to are: 
1. Only use your local public rights of way network for lawful access which is to exercise once a day and for routes to food shops or when essential for work. 
2. Do not drive or travel to sites/car parks. 
3. Keep 2 metres (6 feet) spacing between yourself and others you may meet on the paths 
4. Don’t arrange to meet other families or form groups larger than two to share your exercise, walk or ride 
5. Carry, use and take home all rubbish including tissues and other health products. 
6. Although there’s no evidence of human-animal transference of coronavirus, avoid contact with other families’ dogs and farm livestock as part of social distancing 
Please continue to use the public rights of way network for exercise and essential journeys responsibly. If you encounter any problems please email However, please bear in mind that unless the problem is urgent resolution will be delayed due to staff unavailability. 

Isle of Wight Council Parking Charges 
Parking charges across the Island are to be temporarily suspended by the Isle of Wight Council. 
All council car parks and the majority of on-street parking spaces will be free of charge until further notice — although residents must adhere to on-street parking time limits. 
All council car parks and the majority of on-street parking spaces will be free of charge until further notice — although residents must adhere to parking time limits. 
Esplanades are not included and charging remains in place to deter people from travelling long distances to the coast during the coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis. 
At the same time, the authority is encouraging Islanders to use council car parks to free up much- needed on-street spaces for visiting key workers. Residents are asked to be considerate and leave spaces free next to pharmacies and supermarkets to allow people to get in and out quickly. 
In a further move to support Island residents, the authority has also announced it is to freeze direct debit payments for all parking permits for three months. 
Residents do not need to contact the council or cancel the direct debit at their bank. The council will advise permit holders in advance of the payments recommencing. 
The expiry date of all other paid for parking permits will automatically be extended by a further period of three months.

Southern Vectis 
Please see below the statement from Richard Tyldesley, General Manager, Southern Vectis, regarding the cancellation of specific public bus services on Sundays. In addition please note the reductions of Southern Vectis on most routes Monday to Saturday commencing today (1st April) which are detailed on their website 
‘Southern Vectis will be introducing revised timetables for this Sunday, and future Sunday’s until further notice. The main thing to highlight is that as a result of negligible passengers’ numbers, routes 6, 12 & 38 will be withdrawn on Sunday’s and bank holidays. They will retain a Monday-Friday and Saturday service, though, this is just a Sunday thing. Other routes will operate on reduced frequencies, but where possible we will try and retain key links for essential worker.’ 

Cross-Solent travel 
At a meeting of the Isle of Wight Transport Infrastructure Board yesterday (Wednesday 1 April), further alterations to cross-Solent ferry services were discussed. 
It is clear that an almost total drop in demand of passenger traffic, coupled with reduced freight volumes means that many services are now under-utilised and not required. All operators are also acutely aware of the need to ensure adequate resilience in staffing levels to ensure that a lifeline service is maintained to the Island. 
As a result of these factors both Red Funnel and Wightlink are making amendments to their timetables: 
• Wightlink will be reducing the number of car ferry sailings on its Portsmouth to Fishbourne route and is suspending its Portsmouth to Ryde Fast Cat service. The revised car ferry schedule ensures that the demand from emergency services, freight operators, and other essential travellers will be met. 
• Red Funnel is announcing a reduction in its Red Jet services outside peak travel times. 
Full details of the timetable revisions will be announced by the operators. 
Hovertravel will continue to provide its fast service, which not only carries foot passengers but is also used by the Royal Mail and brings all the pharmaceuticals to the Island. 

Board chairman, Christopher Garnett, said: “These measures have the full support of the board and will ensure essential, effective and robust cross-Solent ferry services can continue at this very difficult time. The board and operators are working closely together to ensure full resilience for the Island is maintained in all key areas. These are lifeline services for the Island, bringing in all our supplies and freight – including food and fuel - and providing key connectivity in areas such as mainland travel for hospital appointments, whether on foot or by ambulance. 

“Each of the operators continues to put in enormous efforts to maintain these services in these unprecedented times, including the promotion of ‘essential travel only’.” As part of the latest changes to services, all the operators are continuing to work together to maintain seamless services for passengers. 

As part of this, in the event the hovercraft is unable to operate due to weather conditions, Southern Vectis will be arranging for its number 9 service to go via Wightlink’s Fishbourne terminal to provide a foot passenger connection from both Newport and Ryde. 
The transport infrastructure board will continue to meet regularly to ensure that Islanders receive the best service possible through this very difficult time. 

Bob Seely’s website 
Please see the link to Bob Seely MP’s information page. It is updated regularly - 

An Isle of Wight helpline has been set up to support people who are affected by coronavirus self- isolation measures. You can call 01983 823600 between 9am and 5pm, seven days a week. 

PARISH COUNCIL CONTACT DETAILS Chairman: Cllr Martin Kimber – Clerk: Mrs Sheila Caws - 07587 008183 Website: 


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