Tuesday 24 March 2020

Arreton Parish Council March Newsletter

Dear Resident

Attached is our latest newsletter.  I would have sent it out sooner but every time I thought I had finished, a new piece of information turned up.  We, as a Parish Council, are doing our best to be in contact with as many of our residents as we can, bearing in mind that we are quite a scattered community.  We would like to ask you to do your best to spread the word about our newsletter, contact details etc.  The Newsletter and other information will be available on our website as soon as possible - arreton.org.uk

Best wishes
Mrs Sheila Caws
Clerk to Arreton Parish Council


Welcome to Arreton Parish Council’s newsletter. It won’t be as chatty as the last one as the Parish Council is concentrating on trying to get essential information out, in case you have missed it elsewhere but I hope that my attempts to lighten the gloom won’t offend. Many things have gone on hold as we all try and keep a safe distance from each other and this will include PC meetings held in public. However, the Councillors hope to hold virtual meetings but the logistics of doing so mean that members of the public cannot be invited unless there are exceptional cases. However, assuming that such meetings work, agendas will be sent out to you and will also be on our website and, for as long as is practically possible, on our notice boards. Comments and questions will be invited which will be dealt with at the meeting and a response given. We are still awaiting instructions as to what we are supposed to do about statutory meetings that occur at this time of year, namely the Annual Parish Meeting, due to be held next month, and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AGM to you and me) which happens in May.

Media sources are fond of saying that these are unprecedented times but, sadly, for once they are right.
The Parish Council held an e-meeting last night but unfortunately, it was before the Prime Minister’s announcement and so what we planned has been overtaken by events. We were intending to do a leaflet drop so that those who need help would know who to ask. We cannot do that, so please forward this newsletter to any Arreton Parish residents that you know. Likewise, if you have any ideas as to how we can increase contact legally, please let me know. We are receiving bulletins from the IW Association of Local Councils with useful information and I will forward anything relevant.

Community support 
The Parish Council is looking at ways of harnessing the willingness of volunteers to match the needs of those members of the Parish who are confined indoors or who have limited means of travel – shopping, collecting prescriptions, dog-walking etc. Please let me know if you are willing to help. Please try and contact your neighbours as well, if you can, by phone or any other means – as far as I know we are still allowed to talk over the garden fence as long as we keep our distance and let me know if you are willing to help someone. The Prime Minister’s statement was a bit ambiguous as to how we continue to support the less-able amongst us whilst also complying with the lockdown requirements. We will just have to get inventive.

IW Council - support helpline for vulnerable Islanders
A helpline has been set up to support our most vulnerable residents affected by coronavirus self- isolation measures.

You can call 01983 823 600 between 9am and 5pm, 7 days a week and each caller will be asked to explain their need and then this information will be passed on to arrange support required. It links in with the organisation and coordination of various community groups now being set up across the Island and being overseen by Community Action Isle of Wight, Age UK and Citizens Advice.
This phone number is for anyone
• who needs help because of self-isolation
• who is alone and needs support
• who feels vulnerable
Isle of Wight Council and voluntary networks have worked together to provide this helpline to ensure those that need assistance are supported.

Public Services 
PCSO Keefe’s monthly Beat Surgeries are cancelled until further notice and information on waste collection has already been circulated. The Community Hall and Methodist Church Hall are closed until further notice.

Sadly, scams and fraud do not go away at such times so please be as vigilant as always and remember that if it is too good to be true then it most probably is! There is some information on this in the first IWALC bulletin.

Oil drilling 
The eagle-eyed amongst you may have seen an Official Notice in the County Press from UKOG to landowners and tenants regarding a proposed planning application for the drilling site in Arreton. I contacted the Planning Department and received a very informative reply. In essence, the notice to landowners is something that the company are required to do before submitting an application but is nothing to do with the Planning Department at that stage. Once an application is submitted, the Planners are very aware that in the present circumstances public consultation could be difficult and therefore will not automatically begin the process, as normally happens. They are waiting for Government guidelines before deciding how to proceed. We will keep you as up-to-date as we can.

PARISH COUNCIL CONTACT DETAILS Chairman: Cllr Martin Kimber – martindkimber@gmail.com Clerk: Mrs Sheila Caws - arretonpc@outlook.com 07587 008183

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