Friday 27 March 2020

Arreton Parish Council - IW Planning Department - Oil Drilling

Dear Resident

Please see below for information on how the IW Planning Department will be working in the present circumstances.  In view of the fact that the oil drilling application is looming, it is good news that no applications will be determined for the time being.  It will be interesting to see if UKOG does put in their application now or wait.

If you have any planning queries, then please contact me and I will forward them to the appropriate officer.

Best wishes
Mrs Sheila Caws
Clerk to Arreton Parish Council


Ollie Boulter (Strategic Manager Planning & Infrastructure Delivery) has confirmed that no new planning applications will be determined for the immediate future. They will, however, still be receiving applications electronically and will make them available online in the usual way. However, they will not be starting the formal public consultation period until Government guidance on non-essential movement changes and they can safely put up site notices and undertake site visits. They will then also advertise planning applications as usual in the local press. This means that the public will be able to see any new applications online, but they will not be determining them.

They will though continue to determine planning applications that are already in the system that has been subject to public consultation.

Other key points are:
Planning Services staff including Building Control are now all working from home.

They will still consult with statutory consultees if required, once we have validated your application.

They will hold virtual or telephone meetings for pre-apps or applications, but are not undertaking site visits.

They will still investigate allegations of unlawful activity in relation to protected trees and heritage assets.

They are looking at how the Planning Committee can be held virtually, in light of emergency legislation likely to be made this week. Delaying Committee or deferring items to the May Committee are options.

They will be following the Government’s approach towards relaxing some planning rules, such as the delivery times for supermarkets and pubs and restaurants to operate as takeaways.

They are providing updates through our webpages at and will be programming further public updates as part of the Council’s wider sharing of information.

Ollie Boulter | Strategic Manager Planning & Infrastructure Delivery | Planning Services | Isle of Wight Council | 

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