Thursday 27 February 2020

Arreton Parish Council Newsletter February 2020

Arreton Parish Council Newsletter - February 2020

Welcome to this, the first of what we hope will become a fairly frequent Newsletter to keep you up- to-date with news and events in the Parish and (occasionally the wider world). We have had a healthy response to our request for those interested to sign-up and we hope that you may be able to share some items with your neighbours, if appropriate. You are, of course, free to ask for your name to be removed from the mailing list at any time. 

Down End traffic lights

 As many of you are only too well-aware, the traffic can build up quite significantly at the Down End lights at busy times as cars waiting to turn right hold up everyone else. There are also problems at the other end of the road at Arreton Cross (aka the Hare and Magpies junction). The IW Council are aware of these issues and also of queues building up at the entrance to the tip (not strictly our territory but near enough). The members of the Parish Council recently received a presentation from Mr David Evans, the Strategic Manager – Highways and Transport. The IW Council are in the process of applying for a grant to make some quite considerable changes in the area, including a roundabout at Arreton Cross, lengthening the approach lane to the tip and either widening the junction at the Hare and Hounds or creating a gyratory system (similar to the one at the top of Staplers Road) to include the Robin Hill roundabout to the traffic lights – both of which would go. The problems are compounded by the presence of an 18-inch gas main in the immediate area and it is the cost of avoiding this that has made any project prohibitively expensive in the past. It must be emphasised that the grant application is in the very early stages and, until a grant is available, this project remains very much on the drawing board.

Hare and Magpies
Whilst in the area, it has been noted that the hare is still wearing his (her?) Christmas finery. Contrary to a persistent rumour, the members of the Parish Council have no objection to anyone dressing the sculpture and indeed, enjoy seeing what the next outfit might be. All that we ask is that the clothing is removed fairly promptly (Christmas in February?!) as some textiles can damage the wood, especially when they get wet. Last year we paid for Paul Sivell to repair one of the magpies when it lost its head and we do want to preserve the sculpture for as long as possible for the pleasure it gives. By all means dress the hare but please remove its clothing as soon as possible afterwards.

 Parish Council budget
The budget has been set for 2020/21 and this year sees a sizeable percentage increase - 11.3% to be exact - and a new total precept of £10,400, up from £9,300 last year. The main reason for the apparently vast increase is that the rabbit-proof fence around Gore Cemetery needs replacing. That’s the cemetery opposite the anaerobic digester, for which we have responsibility. We have undertaken pest control measures in the past but the rabbits are beginning to undermine some of the headstones and there are holes in the fence in places. Therefore, a new fence is a must and the cost will be in the region of £2,500. Arreton’s precept is very small compared to other parish councils of a comparable size and therefore any increase always looks disproportionately large. The good news is that, hopefully, we will be able to go some way towards reducing it again next year. However, to put it in perspective, an increase of £1,100 spread over 400 households is £2.75 per household a year or 5p a week! Our entire precept only costs each household £26.00 a year or 50p a week. We like to think that we are good value for money.

Inevitably there has been quite a bit of flooding on the roads in the recent heavy rain. Much of this comes off the fields and we understand that Island Roads have been talking to local landowners about the problems.

Oil drilling 
This is obviously one of the burning (not literally I hope!) topics of the moment. UKOG held a public meeting back in December and we hope that some of you managed to attend. At the moment, there is nothing that the members of the Parish Council can do until a planning application is made as, up to then, there is no firm subject for discussion. All we can do at present is do our homework and wait. 

Planning applications 
When a contentious application is made it is often the only time that we get any recognition of our existence. Whilst we are glad to be of help and to hear your views, which help us with our own thinking, we always emphasise that we should not be the only one to raise our voice. The planning authority pays more attention to multiple views than to any town or parish council raising a lone objection. Likewise, don’t just hope that your neighbour will write in on your behalf. The more comments the better. Don’t forget that you can also support applications as well as oppose them! Commenting does involve registering on the Planning website but if you don’t fancy that then you can still send in a good, old-fashioned letter. 

Trading Standards are warning Island residents to be vigilant when dealing with phone calls. We have received reports that scammers are using an 01983 number which may lead residents to believe that the caller is local and therefore genuine. This particular call stated that there was a problem with the resident’s computer and they tried to encourage her to access her computer and press certain buttons. Please remember NOBODY will call you to tell you there is a problem with your computer – this is a SCAM. Other concerned residents have reported scam texts from the bank – the bank will NEVER contact you in this way.
We have also had reports of energy companies knocking doors to persuade you to change your supplier. Trading Standards advice is NEVER trade on the doorstep for anything. Be wary of unsolicited calls around insulation and solar panels. Do not accept visits from anyone claiming to be able to improve your property in this way. If you are concerned about your home insulation contact the Footprint Trust on 01983 822282. 
Police Our local Police Community Support Officer, PCSO Justin Keefe, aims to be at the Post Office in Arreton once a month to meet any residents who have concerns that they want to raise. His next rural beat surgery is due on Wednesday March 11th between 11 and 11.30. Please note that he may be unable to attend for operational reasons. If that is the case, he can be contacted on 101 or 

Public Spaces Protection Orders 
The following notice has been issued by the IW Council’s Rights of Way Department. 
Today [February 20th] the public consultation in respect of Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) has been launched; these being the new style of order that replaces the old alcohol and dog control orders. There are two weblinks below (if these links don’t work look at the Isle of Wight Council website called then search for Environment Officers or PSPO to find the information). The Public Spaces Protection Orders Consultation The Environment Officer web page. From these pages you can look at the old orders and new maps illustrating the proposed PSPO zones and read about what and why PSPO’s are needed (this is all to do with creating the powers to try to control anti-social behaviour in public spaces). PLEASE take the time to fill out the survey – if you are a dog lover or a person irritated because of the evidence left behind by inconsiderate dog owners or someone who simply doesn’t care either way this is now your chance to give your views to the Isle of Wight Council using the survey or emailing Whatever way you do it your submission needs to reach the IWC by 15 April 2020. 

Equestrians: In respect of horses the PSPO consultation web pages states: Horses on beaches will not form part of the PSPO’s. Owners are requested to follow the current beach access guidance. 

The next Parish Council meeting will take place on Monday, March 9th at 7pm in the Community Centre. Please feel free to come along to any meeting if you have points that you want to raise or have any questions to be answered. The Parish Council normally meets on the second Monday of a month but please note that the April meeting will be held on Monday 6th at the Methodist Church Hall. This is due to the Easter Monday being the following week and parish councils are not permitted to meet on bank holidays – nor do we want to! This meeting will be preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting where residents are invited to come along and comment on the work of the Parish Council in the preceding year and hopefully put forward suggestions for the following year. Tea and coffee are usually available. The change of venue is due to other bookings at the Community Centre. 

PARISH COUNCIL CONTACT DETAILS Chairman: Cllr Martin Kimber – Clerk: Mrs Sheila Caws - 07587 008183 

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